Massage Therapy Services at Blessingways
Therapeutic Massage Therapy
There are so many great reasons to have a massage! Besides helping to decrease pain and improve healing times for muscle spasms caused by injuries from motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries or life events, massage therapy can provide many health benefits for people who are experiencing repetitive motion injuries or problems that are stress induced.
People who are massaged can experience many of the following benefits:
Better posture. People who have physically demanding jobs, or people who sit throughout the day, whether from driving, desk work, computer work or answering phones can notice that they don’t stand, sit or move as well as they once did. Massage can help to decrease muscle tension and improve posture to help our patients move more freely and enjoy their day more.
Improved blood circulation. Tight muscles can actually decrease blood flow to themselves! Massage helps to relax these tense muscles, which improves blood flow and increases blood circulation throughout the body in general.
Improved immune function. With better blood circulation, the lymph fluid in the body is able to circulate more easily. The result is that the immune system functions better.
Other benefits noticed by massage patients are:
Improved joint flexibility and range of motion.
Improved athletic performance.
Improved ability to breathe deeper and easier.
Decrease in chronic pain levels.
Decreased blood pressure.
Improved sense of relaxation and well being.
Hot Stone Massage
Therapeutic Hot Stone massage can be as effective as a deep tissue without the pain and with the added benefit of the warm, smooth stones.
The practice of using hot stones for therapeutic purposes has been around for centuries. It’s thought to have originated thousands of years ago from Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system that takes a natural and holistic approach to health. River stones were heated for healing and massage.
Hot stones were popular throughout ancient Asia. About 4,000 years ago, the Japanese used hot stones to warm the abdomen and improve digestion, while about 2,000 years ago, Chinese medicine used hot stones to improve the function of internal organs.
In North America, indigenous Americans used hot stones in sweat lodges, to heal ailments, and to relieve cramps.
Hot stones were introduced into modern methods of massage in 1993 by way of a technique called LaStone Therapy. From there, hot stone massages have grown in mainstream popularity.
Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation
This type of massage focuses on helping to relieve people with painful feet.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common conditions causing heel pain. It involves inflammation of the plantar fascia — a tough, fibrous band of tissue that runs along the sole of the foot.
This painful condition is most commonly felt when sitting for long periods of time, then standing and attempting to take a step. Sharp, stabbing pain which many describe as “like walking on glass” causes you to pussyfoot a few steps before the pain lessens. It is also common first thing in the morning.
Plantar Fasciitis can often be helped with as little as one to two treatments (subjective to the severity) and with home exercises.